Scientific Program DAY 1
Scientific Program DAY 2
Scientific Program DAY 2

09H00 – Invited lecture : Reptile radiology and interactive case series: Answers in shades of gray! (Stephen J. Divers, USA)
10H00 – Cardiac Shunting in Crocodilians (Lionel Schilliger, France)
10H15 – Congestive heart failure secondary to systemic Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in a ball python (Python regius) (Clément Paillusseau, France)
10H30 – Toxic patients: How to treat venomous reptiles (Nils Kley, Austria)
10H45 – Partial unilateral ovarian torsion in a Red-Eared Slider Turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) (Alessandro Vetere, Italy)
11H00 – A case of squamous papilloma in a 6-year-old female Testudo hermanni sp. (Marco Masi, Italy)
11H15 – An attempt to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia in central bearded dragon with lomustine (Josip Miljković, Croatia)
11h30 – Paramyloidosis secondary to an orchitis in an asp viper (Vipera aspis) (Anaïs Sailler, France)
11h45 – Total intravenous/intraosseous anesthesia in reptiles: The future of reptile anesthesia (Stephen J. Divers, USA)
12h00 – Amphibian pathogens in north-eastern Germany (Rachel E. Marschang, Germany)
12h00 – Intraocular pressure in African Bullfrogs ( Pyxicephalus adspersus ) measured with rebound tonometry (Chiara Simonini, Italy)
12h15 – LUNCH
13H00 – Keynote – Invited lecture : Endoscopy for wildlife research and conservation (Stephen J. Divers, USA)
14H00 – Encephalomyocarditis virus infection in a group of Benett’s wallabies (Notamacropus rufogriseus) (Kevin Schlax, France)
14H15 – Is hot always sexy? Eight-year (2015-2023) retrospective analysis of high-definition thermal imaging use in a zoological institution: applications and perspectives (Pierre Huberdeau, France)
14H30 – Assessing animal welfare in zoos: state of play and practical application in the digital age (Lucie Mouveaux, France)
14H45 – Chronic pain from degenerative joint diseases in captive wild Carnivores and Ungulates: development of a clinical monitoring tool based on the experience of French zoo veterinarians (Sandra Besançon, France)
15H00 – Diagnostic challenges for wildlife medicine in Costa Rica: A review of clinical cases (Mauricio Jiménez-Soto, Costa Rica)
15h30 – BREAK
16h00 – Keynote – Invited lecture : Using chemical communication-based strategies for wild species conservation : a 30 years experience (Patrick Pageat, France)
17h00 – Semiochemical approach in wild species: a case study using chemical communication to manage welfare issues in lions (Panthera leo) (Alessandro Cozzi, Italy)
17h15 – Management of a population of Przewalski horse in a semi-reserve (Endre Sos, Hungary)
17h35 – The epidemiology and potential impact of gastrointestinal parasites of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) accepted into selected wildlife centres in North-West France (Paula Yagüez i López-Jurado, France)
17H50 – Elasmobranch (sharks and rays) diseases commonly founded in aquarium (Sasha Le Bohec, France)
18h10 – Sea snake (Hydrophiinae spp.) rehabilitation (Jonathon Howard, Australia)
18h30 – LAST WORDS