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Let’s learn , let’s share  !

On behalf of the Organising Committee of the YABOUMBA WORLD 2025, we are pleased to invite you to join us for the XV International Congress Exotic, Zoo and Wild Animals Medicine and Surgery.

The topics will include all branches of the exotic animals veterinary medicine, mostly practical clinical cases. That said, this year, the main topic will be Update in zoological medicine ! 

Since 2004, Yaboumba congres is known for its professional and human atmosphere. All we want is to spread knowledge and to have fun ! The World is small for vets, but in all cases, Yaboumba loves to link everyone together.

Be the change you want to see in the World and come and join us !

The final program will come after the calling for paper (obviously :). Meanwhile, please answer the call for paper if you have interesting cases

Paolo, Lionel, Charly, Minh, Endre, Dylan & Norin

Send us a mail for more informations.